A virtual graphic card for playing high definition games on your non graphic card pc..
Hi friends,i have heard a lot of my friends saying that they are unable to play high resolution and high definition games on their pc and told that they are on a low budget to buy a graphics card.Here is a solution for that:There is a software named 3-D analyzer available in the internet which acts as a virtual graphics card for playing games.
You can enter the graphic card needed from the 4 available graphic cards available and then you can get the attributes of that graphic card..If fine tuned,you can play games at the range of a 128mb RAM virutal graphic card on your non graphic card pc.
Note:Graphic intensive games,that requires atleast 512Mb of graphics memory can't be played through 3d analyzer if you don't have a graphic card,but you can try running it if you have a 256/128 Mb card.
*First download the file from here
*Then extract that software and open the software
*Then,select the exe file of the game that you want to run
*Choose the select option
*Then you can choose the attributes the options you require to play the game
*The attributes may be pixel shader or disable rendering in the game or emulation or some other options specified
*Then,Enter the device id and the vendor id for the graphics card you need from the available graphics card on the right.
*I would suggest the ATI Radeon 9800pro to run most of the games like FIFA 08/09 or prince of persia Two Thrones/Sands of Time
*Then choose the run option and then i assure that the game would run for you at a decent/playable speed.
Note:1.If it shows any error that a file is not found pls reinstall the software.
2.If the screen turns black/blank then play with the options in the s/w, by Trial and error method,if fortunate,may be,you'll be able to run your favorite game.
3.If pixel shader/shader version x.x not found,then select the appropriate shader model and run the game.
All the best..Happy Gaming..If any queries post it below.
Many times we are stuck up with a system that just doesn’t provide enough juice to run the latest game…the result being-
Take heart ! Here’s a wicked software with which you can beat 128-256 MB of graphics card requirements with a very modest 1GB DDR2 RAM.
The savior is 3D-Analyzer.Click to download.
What it does is,it uses a part of your RAM as Graphics card memory. For example,if you got 1GB DDR2 RAM,then it’ll use 128MB of it as a Virtual Graphics card,and the remaining 896MB will be used as a regular RAM.
Cool right….so you can Virtually emulate NVIDIA GeForce TI 4600,NVIDIA GeForce FX 4900 ULTRA,ATi Radeon 8500,ATi Radeon 9800 PRO.Follow the given procedure:
After downloading the software,first install it.
You’ll see something like this:
Next,click on ‘Select’ option.
Select FarCry.exe
Next step,select the options as shown.Note that i have selected the VendorID as 4098 and DeviceID 20400 as i want to select the ATi Radeon 9800 PRO graphics card(use the index provided in the screen on the right). Click on Run.Doesn’t matter even if you don’t save the batch file.Your ready to roll ! Please note that the .exe file is to be selected from the main folder,and not the shortcut present on the desktop.
I got Oblivion 4 and Neverwinter Nights 2 to work using this. For running Oblivion however,you need to install a patch called Oldblivion.Click to download and follow the instuctions on Oldblivion site.
For Neverwinter Nights 2,you need to tweak the stuff a bit.
Go to Start->Run->regedit.Then press F3 and search for hardwareinformation.memorysize.Click on the file,and modify the binary values to 00 00 00 08.This fools the system into believing that you have 128MB video RAM.Then select only the ‘emulate hw tnl caps’ option.Do not select any other.Select ATi Radeon 9800.Click on Run.
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